Tuesday, December 20, 2011

People Management: Priorities for 2012 Part II

The arrival of 2012 will see many companies wanting to start the New Year on a good note, and put out a list of priorities that need attention.

Previously we tackled employee engagement and retention, and the need to reduce red tape and unnecessary administration. The article also talks about absence management as well as management of older and temporary workers.

Attendance software will be very useful to address these issues, especially a time attendance system that utilizes a time sheet will be able to track employee attendance and absence. This time attendance system will also incorporate online leave application, allowing employees to apply for leave from a computer, cutting out the need to fill up manual leave forms and submit them. This not only cuts down on the red tape previously talked about, but also records every instance of absence and leave taken that will allow employers to monitor and manage human resource effectively. This form of leave application system will make lives for employees and employers alike much easier. Employee leave management is an aspect of any company that cannot be overlooked.

Having a time sheet will also ensure clarity for employers in sorting out payroll issues, especially for temporary workers. During this holiday season, many temp workers have come and gone, and sorting out who gets what amount, excluding days of leave and off, can be a real hassle and a complicated task. A clear time attendance system and time management system will show each temp worker’s attendance and can be easily used to generate the payslip for each worker. This will greatly reduce the administrative work for the employer, as everything can be done digitally.

These human resource management systems will help employers in managing the performance, presence and leave of their older workers as well. Having a wide range of employee types, from temp staff to more senior staff, may confuse a boss, unless he has the necessary software to aid him.

Your company will have a great start to 2012 indeed, as these important issues can be resolved simply and effectively.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

People Management: Priorities for 2012 Part I

2012 is upon us, and companies all over the world are setting their goals and priorities for the New Year, if they haven’t already done so. This artcle mentions 10 aspects of employee management that every company should take note of.

Engagement is the first and most major aspect, as employees will be considering leaving their organization if there are not enough opportunities for promotion and training, and career prospects seems bleak. Employees are consistently looking for new growth themselves, and as the company grows, stagnation in their careers and payslips will not be good for morale and management.

A learning management system will help boost employee morale and performance, as employees will be able to apply for courses and training online, efficiently and quickly. Selection and choice of courses will depend on employee performance, and as such as an employee performance appraisal system is very useful to identity employees who have potential and drive to succeed in the company. This creates a cycle of performance, where employees who have gone for courses will be even more motivated to perform and do well for recognition.

Thus, a learning management system, or LMS, will benefit from co-usage of an appraisal management system or a performance management system where outstanding employees can be selected for grooming, settling the first issue of engagement.

This online digitization of employee performance evaluation and learning management will cut back on administrative lapse and red tape, which is the another issue companies have to address in 2012. The article mentions the need to cut back on bureaucracy and resolve issues in “poor performance management, poor training and a lack of investment in workers”.

A performance management system and appraisal management system will help address this problem, as employees’ careers and development can be tracked more easily now. Employee performance evaluation can also be tied to software for payroll, so a good appraisal or evaluation will directly affect payroll and an employee’s payslip. They will have added incentive to perform well. Employers will also now be able to monitor employee performance much more easily, without the previous hassle and difficulty of manual monitoring.

The company benefits from reduced red tape and administrative costs, and the human resource benefits from a much more streamlined workforce that engages them fully and completely. The perfect solution to this New Year’s resolution is in these human resource management systems.

Part II next week looks at the issues involving absence management, and managing older and temporary work staff.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Simplifying Human Resource Management

Human resource management, or HRM, is often times the backbone of a growing company. If it is done right, it can motivate people, resulting in a good working atmosphere, and drive the company to greater heights, but if it is done poorly, it can bog down the company in inefficiency, inane administration and employee dissatisfaction.

The article above states that HRM “should add value to the strategic utilization of employees and employee programmes”, and there is no better way to do that than with a capable performance management system and learning management system. A task that might have been previously complex and difficult to tackle solution-wise will now have been made simpler with this implementation of HR software. This software for human resource will motivate employees to aim higher while maintaining ease and clarity for employers.

With the use of HR software like HRIS for example, employers can access employee performance appraisals digitally, and can submit employee performance evaluations and staff performance appraisals into the database, making work easier and allowing all necessary information for individual employees to be gathered centrally.

These employees can also view courses and training opportunities they might want to attend, and be able to apply for them online with just the of a click of a button. This learning management system will greatly benefit workers wanting to improve.

The use of this central employee information pool is therefore double-pronged, with employers submitting performance appraisals and evaluation, and employees choosing courses they want, with matches made based on their performance eligibility. Human resource performance management is thus made more straightforward, with the technology linking both employer and employee.

This HR solution is the answer to making human resource work for you, and will help your company to do it right, to rise to greater heights.

Next week, we'll round off the year by looking at what kind of priorities HR should look at in 2012.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

HRiQ: Proven in Practice

Many F&B companies find themselves struggling to manage their human resource, especially companies which have branch outlets and various types of ventures across different venues. Companies might have restaurants, cafes, bistro style eateries and even just stall shops selling the food items themselves. Such varieties of establishments demand varying numbers of staff, and this will cause a lot of work and trouble for a HR department that does not have a good human resource management system in place.

First of all, there will be difficulties in managing the payroll and staff payslips. F&B retail staff usually work by the hour, and usually clock in and out of a manual system. However, this is troublesome and prone to errors. A time attendance system or form of attendance software will help to correct these errors, more so if it is linked to payroll software. Such an attendance system will allow employers to monitor employee attendance using a time sheet and likewise, adjust wages using the software for payroll.

Secondly, another process that can be simplified is that of leave application. Previously employees had to physically approach superiors, ask for leave application forms, fill them up, send them in and wait for approval. This usually takes a long time to process, and employees had to apply many weeks in advance. It is therefore inefficient and a waste of precious HR, which has to consistently review and approve many leave applications. Leave software, such as an online leave management system, will greatly benefit the company. Online leave application will allow employees to apply for leave with the click of a mouse, which HR can then approve with another click of a mouse.

This leave application system greatly cuts down on administrative lag and provides a good HR solution to absence management. This also ensures that employees are compensated accurately, since employers can view the time sheet and match the payroll accordingly. This thus reduces error in payroll and cuts down on losses for the company. Coupled with the improvement of otherwise taxing and inefficient manual processes of leave application and attendance tracking, this digital HR solution will greatly benefit a company looking to streamline its functions.

F&B companies should look to HRMS, HRIS and other HR software to improve human resource management. Such leave software, payroll software and attendance software will reap great rewards for companies that wish to expand their market presence and open more outlets and branches in the future. Managing their staff will be a much easier task and companies can then place emphasis on product quality and customer service to stand out from the competition.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Engaging the Human Resource

It is important for any company looking to surge ahead of competitors to make sure that their human resource is fully equipped and engaged. Each and every employee should be able to maximize their potential and efficiently utilize the skills and knowledge they possess in order to further the company’s position in the industry.

Many companies in competitive markets are trying to attain such efficient use of human resource, and this can be done with human resource management software, or HRMS. Step one to managing human resource is putting a system in place for staff performance appraisal, and HRMS software will do that easily.

A competent HR performance management system will help employers track employee performance at various levels according to customized markers such as workload, attendance, and therefore provides a good method for employee performance evaluation. By allowing open-ended employer performance appraisals, employee performance evaluation will include input and comments that will make the performance management system more balanced and fairer.

Step two is to incentivize the human resource, providing the employees with opportunities to advance and grow. As the quality of human resource progresses, so will the company itself.

For example, employees identified to be performing well will be given chances to improve their abilities and rise within the company. They will be able to attend courses and training programs that will allow them to attain new skills and gain knowledge. This will further their career in both the firm and in the industry, giving them motivation to perform.
Additional monetary incentives could be added, with payroll software tied in to the performance management system. This provides incentive in the form of financial rewards if they perform up to expectations. This adds more value to the performance management system and makes the HRMS more streamlined and beneficial to the company on a whole.

It can be seen, therefore, that engaging the human resource will reap benefits for the company that will outweigh initial costs. These benefits will be most evident when the staff is competent, efficient, motivated and driven to bring the company to greater heights.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Costs and Benefits Analysis of Good HR Management

In this struggling economy, every firm needs to think about how to better manage costs to turn better revenue. Larger firms will naturally focus on managing human resource, as poor human resource management and structure strains the company and dredges the progress of the firm, especially one in competitive industries.

The first thing companies need to take note of is the allocation of employees. Employees cannot be wasted in a company of limited space and opportunity, and it requires a good human resource management system, or HRMS, to handle a large staff roster.

Employees who are unsatisfied with their progress, performance or treatment in a company will actively seek for other opportunities elsewhere, even possibly joining competing firms for the benefits they’ve been offered there.

Such employee reactions will result in large losses for the company: firstly, a cost in the productivity for the firm when employees take leave or go absent to search for other, more satisfactory jobs. Various technology production firms in Canada have registered a loss of more than CAN$1 billion due to this loss in productivity and the associating opportunity costs that were incurred.

Secondly, there will be a loss in human resource when the employees quit and move on, which will be need to filled in all over again. More costs are then incurred with the necessary follow-up search for new talent.

These issues can be addressed with good HRMS and competent general HR practices. A good leave management system will help employers keep track of employee attendance. Such attendance software and customized attendance systems will help employers to take note of staff who may be preparing to jump the ship. It will also help employers to improve their payroll systems and implement time sheets, which will reflect these attendance lapses in the payroll and employee payslips.

Absence management, leave management and payroll management will thus help firms reduce costs by making sure employees who are not performing up to task are not rewarded accordingly.

Further benefits can be gained if employers were to also use human resource management software to carefully manage existing staff in the company, giving them opportunities to train and develop better skills in their occupation. This will allow them to advance and proceed further in their career, giving them job satisfaction. This will in turn increase productivity and HR efficiency, positively benefiting the firm in the long run.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

HRiQ Online News Buzz: Losing Workers and Hours

In a growing economy, employees in various larger companies are looking to expand their options and grow professionally within their career. Many of them are finding it unwise and unworthy to remain stagnant in one firm that does not offer them opportunities for improvement and expansion. Thus, to make up for lost time, more and more employees are taking advantage of management lapses to absent themselves from work, choosing instead to go for job interviews for companies that they’d rather work for. This all happens at the expense of the company they are currently a part of.

According to the Canadian HR article, Companies lost over CAD$1 million in the year 2010 due to unworked and unclocked man-hours, and this is set to increase in the year 2011. Companies are in need of some form of HR software or attendance system that could circumvent the issue as mentioned.

A timesheet would be crucial to these companies, allowing employees to clock in and out digitally, reducing lapses in human resource management. This time attendance software would also help in absence management. Employees would be unable to be absent and therefore cost the company valuable work hours and money. This time attendance system would also help in managing a company’s payroll.

This payroll software directly benefits the company, as it is now easier to track employee contributions and manage wages accordingly. Companies can now reward hardworking employees and better manage less efficient workers, reducing the wasted human resource in a company. This also helps to tackle the issue of growth and expansion in the company – employees that prove themselves in terms of time attendance get a better result in the linked payroll software, and better financial rewards and prospects as a result.

Leave software would also be extremely beneficial for company purposes, as it helps make keeping track of absences easier. Online leave application is the most commonly used leave management system, with employees easily applying for leave with just a few clicks of the mouse. Employee leave management is simplified for both employer and employee as well, reducing the hassle for employees wishing to take official absence.

This is a HR solution that deals directly with attendance management, a large issue especially in larger companies and enterprises that might not have the manpower or administration to deal with such lapses on the ground level. Companies should consider such software to increase productivity.

Read more: Employee Turnover on the Rise  

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Benefits of Effective Human Capital Management

credit: google images
Human capital management, also known as human resource management, will always be an intrinsic part of each and every company. It is the core that ensures both the top management and the workers co-exist in an office environment that results in everybody's success.

For the most part, they handle the most complicated processes in a company as they serve as a go-between among the upper management and the workforce. These processes involve workforce organization, orientation, training and development, compensation, employee benefits, workforce financial planning, recruitment, promotion and labor relations but none of these matters if you do not know how to maximize the potential of your workforce effectively.

The two focus areas that a startup company should prioritize are recruitment and training and development. These two areas, if done according to ones company goals, will severely decrease the expenses and will generate faster returns on investment.

The role of a recruiter's job is to identify potential applicants that meet desired qualifications and to ensure that the hiring process is done in accordance with the company vision and mission. There is no better way to attain this but through employee assessments. The importance of employee assessments and evaluations play a vital role in the success of a company before and after recruitment.

For one, it is used to identify if the person applying for a specific position is qualified to fulfill his or her job responsibilities. It will also identify organic attributes before hiring such as being trainable, a good leader or a team worker and the possible longevity an employee might serve the company. It is always a good idea to know if the person you will be spending money on is worth your expense. Is the person going to be an added value to my company?

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Tips For Evaluating HR Software Programs

credit: google images
If you are purchasing your first employee information system or upgrading to a new one, how do you compare HR software programs?

There are a wide variety of applications available. Those that are geared toward large businesses with thousands of employees focus on a different set of requirements than those for small businesses. On the other hand, the most basic niche software packages don't necessarily have what you need to effectively manage your workforce. You need to find a happy medium that addresses all your strategic and administrative HR needs. Here are some tips to help you do just that.

Identify Your Core Needs

For small business employers, a human resource database for storing basic employee information is the foundation of a good software system. Most applications will have the same traditional fields (identifying information, emergency contact, hire date, wage rate history, etc). However, you should look for HR software programs that permit you to define your own fields as well. Otherwise, you will find yourself using a separate system for documenting additional information. Core HR management should also include benefit eligibility tracking, performance review documentation, and employee leave management.

Only Pay for What You Need

In the HR software industry, applications are available in a single package or as elements you can add as you need them. A good rule to follow is spending your money on a product that will make your life easier right now. If you will use 75-80% of the features in a bundled HR software program, it is usually worthwhile to pay for a package deal.

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Even Small Businesses Need HR Software

If you have employees, you need an efficient way to manage their personnel information. HR software is a great way to keep all those details together in one place. Buying software of any kind can seem like an overwhelming task and an expensive endeavor, especially for small businesses who wonder if they really need to come up with a formal process for this aspect of their organization. But, implementing this type of program doesn't have to be that difficult or costly. The first thing to do is determine exactly what you will need in order to manage human resources information.

Some of the things that you will need when it comes to an HR software program include the ability to:
  •     Maintain salary wage rate history and employee benefit data
  •     Write performance reviews
  •     Remember due dates for tasks, such as performance reviews, anniversaries, and training expirations
  •     Contain a library of scanned documents, such as resumes, employment applications, etc.
  •     Report info for both individuals and groups of people
  •     Track days off, such as vacation and sick time
  •     Maintain discipline and safety records

Not only will a program make your job easier by streamlining processes, you will also spend less time finding answers to questions, such as how many vacation days does an employee have left to use this year, or what has their attendance record been like.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Need Of Human Resource Management System Software

Human resource department of any organization is the heart of that organization. Human resource management system software is basically application software that is programmed to allow the employers to efficiently handle their employees for perfect allocation. This software has the database that saves the important details of employees including their salary, number of hours worked, their personal details etc.

One of the most effective ways to improve the workforce productivity is through superior resource management. In order to manage the entire business of an organization, effective planning is necessary. HR management plan helps in doing the same. An individual looking after this post should solely have the entire knowledge about the company, its turnover, the number of employees working in each department, requirements of clients etc.

In a big organization, it is really difficult to manually keep the entire analysis of exact demand and supply of human resources for future requirements. This can happen due to lack of visibility of workstations caused by complicated organizational structures and matrix management. HR management becomes more difficult if the organization operates from multiple sites. Here comes the immense need of specific software that will keep the record of personnel efficiently.

Read on Need Of Human Resource Management System Software

Monday, August 22, 2011

HR Software - How to Improve Efficiency in Your Human Resources Department

Although human resources departments are vital to the successful running of any company, the complexity of HR management is responsible for the fact that the whole process is a very labour intensive and expensive one. It takes a lot of employees and employee hours to run and maintain an efficient employee management system.

There is the management of absences and holidays, rewards and benefits, expenses and of course the exceptionally complex and time consuming payroll management to name just a few of the processes that need to be handled by the HR office. It is an unfortunate fact that when dealing with complex processes like these, mistakes are almost inevitable and can also be expensive and even more time consuming to locate and remedy, usually any errors that creep in do affect a member of staff adversely so the whole human resource processes are often seen as a burden.

There is a corporate saying that goes something like, there are no problems, only opportunities, and human resources is not exempt to this point of view.

Most businesses start their journey with HR and payroll being done manually, either by the business owner or someone with an administrative function within the company which is not ideal or the best use of peoples time and skills. As the organisation grows then often someone is employed to manage the HR functions and payroll management until the company gets to the position outlined earlier where the whole process becomes over expensive and inefficient.

This is when they start to look for opportunities to improve things and usually they see HR software as the way to move forward. Human resources management software comes in all shapes and sizes with small single function applications suitable for all but the smallest business up to and including full Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) tools designed for enterprise level businesses with possibly thousands of employees.

Read On HR Software - How to Improve Efficiency in Your Human Resources Department

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Expert Insight: India's Software Companies Need a New Model

Over the last few years, software as a service has disrupted the traditional enterprise software industry for most business applications, including accounting, collaboration, customer relationship management, enterprise resource planning, invoicing, human resource management, content management and service desk management.

For those who are unfamiliar with the term, software as a service is a delivery model in which software is provided as a service to users without requiring them to install or maintain it. The software and its associated data are centrally hosted (usually in the cloud) and users typically access the application via a standard web browser.

Even if you're unfamiliar with this model, you'll be interested in the revenues. According to a Gartner Group estimate, global sales in 2010 reached $9 Billion (up 15.7% from 2009), and are projected to increase to $10.7 billion in 2011. Gartner also estimates that these software applications, which accounted for a little more than 10% of the total enterprise software market last year, will represent at least 16% of worldwide software sales by 2014.

There are many successful examples of large companies that provide this service – Salesforce, Google (Google Apps) and Savvis. There is only one large Indian company on this list: Zoho, which offers a suite of business, productivity and collaboration applications.

Continue Reading Expert Insight: India's Software Companies Need a New Model

Friday, August 19, 2011

HRiQ Human Capital and Talent Management System Video

HRiQ Human Capital Management Solution gives you and your Organisation the tools & services needed to automate transactional processes that will enhance productivity, provide timely and critical information for key decision making, thus effectively managing your Human Capital. The solution delivers the necessary framework to enable your Managers, HR Professionals, Executives and Employees to optimize and enhance the talent within your organisation.

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Multinational people managers

The human resources department is not usually thought of as the go-to place for building an international career. However, it could become so.
Take Dutch national Rob Luijten, executive vice-president, human resources, at Tate & Lyle, a London-based global food producer. “For me personally,” he says, “what matters is not where a business is based, but whether HR is a really important part of its strategic agenda.”

In the mid-noughties Mr Luijten ran the Asia-Pacific HR team of GE Plastics, from Shanghai. As to where he might be found in years to come, he says, the field is wide open – although he admits to a “soft spot” for Asia.

HR careers that play out on several continents may not be the norm, but they are becoming increasingly common. A decade ago, western corporations saw their Asian and Latin American operations as low-cost production bases and sent out expatriates to oversee them.

Now many of those companies are leading the charge to invent products and services for emerging-market consumers, which puts their ability to attract and nurture local talent under the spotlight. “Today there is more encouragement for local as well as global innovation,” says Michael Dickmann, professor of international human resource management at Cranfield School of Management.

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Facts About Human Resource Management System

credit: google images
For people interested in the field of human resources, you should know that a Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software program that specializes in dealing with staff problems. These systems are often intertwined with other commercial programs such as finance.

Throughout the years administering an companies human resources has become increasingly complicated since this important practical organization must needs to follow personnel data including education, job history, skills, and individual details. For years it has been virtually unattainable for moderate and big groups to administer the plethora of human resources information properly and efficiently without the aid of computers. In the past Human Resource Management System (HRMS) operated on large, enclosed mainframe computers though today most of those systems have become accessible on microcomputers. Let's look at some of the standard parts.

The Payroll module gathers knowledge on employees' time worked and absences. Subject on its sophistication this module enumerates taxes as well as auxiliary deductions and creates a array of worker paychecks, government checks, and multiple reports. It must connect to the letter, federal, state, and internal tax rules, and a array of other technical documents with union as well as non-union contracts.

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Analysis: HR software firms log gains in shifting job scene

(Reuters) - The U.S. job market may be going through choppy times, but it has been a heady ride for companies that make software to help corporations hire, train and retain employees.

Companies such as SuccessFactors Inc (SFSF.N), Taleo Corp (TLEO.O), Kenexa Corp (KNXA.O) and Cornerstone OnDemand Inc (CSOD.O) are all set to gain in a market currently worth about $3 billion.

Independent market research firm Bersin & Associates expects this market to grow by 12-15 percent, or even more, this year.

Shares of some of these companies have powered up through the downturn, with SuccessFactors growing more than two-fold in the last three years. The broader Nasdaq Composite Index .IXIC rose roughly 20 percent in the same period.

Job volatility -- rather than actual job numbers -- is the primary driver of business for these software makers.

Read on  Analysis: HR software firms log gains in shifting job scene

Sunday, August 14, 2011

HRiQ - Human Capital Management Solution

The people in Your Organisation are your most important assets and they make the difference.

Competition in the market place demands that businesses pay more attention to managing it's Human Capital and effectively deliver on the company's objectives to grow.

Human Capital Management Solution gives you and your Organisation the tools & services needed to automate transactional processes that will enhance productivity, provide timely and critical information for key decision making, thus effectively managing your Human Capital. The solution delivers the necessary framework to enable your Managers, HR Professionals, Executives and Employees to optimize and enhance the talent within your organisation.

    HRiQ Core - Increase operational efficiency while reducing costs through automation of transactional processes - maintaining a single version of the truth compliant with local requirements.

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Friday, August 12, 2011

Human Resource Management System Software

credit: google images
To be an outstanding recruiter, you require innovative online recruitment software. It follows finest-practice recruitment standards. The Recruitment software gets rid of needless administrative works and computerizes as much of the recruitment procedure as probable. It also provides you the tools for efficient candidate administration and finest-practice client association management.

It is an extremely sophisticated and spontaneous human resource management system intended specially for recruiters. It as well offers inventive candidate management tools and effective communication tools to aid you to construct and cultivate your dealings with candidates and clients. It will assist you to be a more successful recruiter:

  •     It decreases your operational restricted access and minimize your organization costs.
  •     It optimizes your enrollment task by directing your recruiters towards finest-practice.
  •     It progresses your business presentation by revenue-generating support management

Solution Cv software provides a consistent, spontaneous platform appropriate for contract, permanent and temporary recruitment organizations. It also unites functionality and innovation at a lesser cost as compared to manual recruitment solutions.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tips for Choosing Human Resource Management Software

credit: google images
Running a company with a lot of employees can be taxing, especially for the human resources department. To alleviate the strain, human resource management software is essential. Company personnel can be considered as a company's unsung heroes. Aside from the fact that their work is tedious and involves a lot of detail, they also work from the background, performing processes that nobody else in the company knows or understands.

Human resource management becomes even more challenging if the company operates from multiple sites. The obvious solution to the need of managing personnel when you have multiple workplaces is to set up a personnel management team in each site. Unfortunately, while this can be efficient in terms of the day-to-day operations, this setup can be potentially disastrous when it comes to keeping records.

To keep personnel management efficient, many forward-looking companies invest in  human resource management software. Those that operate in multiple sites find Internet-based software very helpful. These types of software enable different management teams in multiple locations to access the software at the same time.

If you feel that your company needs to invest in one, here are some tips to help you make the right decision:

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Monday, August 8, 2011

Good employers to be rewarded

Organisations with good human resource management system and practices geared towards recruiting, managing, developing and retaining talent are to be recognised in the 2011 Employer of the Year awards.

Speaking at the launch of the Employer of the Year survey, the chairman Federation of Uganda Employers, Mr Martin Kasekende said proper management of talent boosts business competitiveness and increases productivity.
“Exceptional business performance is driven by superior talent. You can’t be competitive if you can’t attract the right talent,” Mr Kasekende said in Kampala yesterday.

The theme of the 2011 survey Talent Management to Maximise Productivity is informed by the 2009 survey findings which revealed that most organisations were poor at talent management.

Human resource management involves recruiting the best talent, training them, designing job roles and structures and developing compensation packages.

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Perfect Solution for Human Resource Management

credit: google images
Human Resource Management simply means managing a company's most valuable assets - its people in an effective manner so as to collectively contribute to the overall growth and development of a business while achieving the objectives of the organization.
In other words, it would mean employing people, identifying and developing their inert talents and motivating them through various compensations making room for personal and professional growth of the employee and also the organization. Human Resource Management therefore has a pivotal role to play in any company's progress.

Human Resource Management would require ensuring the right compensation to employees in order to prevent them from constantly switching jobs, encouraging equal employment opportunities at workplaces, managing performance through polls and surveys, managing the talents of the employees and allowing for a continuous development in career through constant recognition.

Simple, though it may sound, it involves a lot of effort to ensure constant growth of the company by keeping the employees happy. Human Resource Management can therefore be described as a company's unsung hero.

It is necessary for consulting services to keep their primary focus on human resource consulting and training and also perform coaching and mentoring programs as well to make way for employee development and training.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Developing Future HR Leaders

With few exceptions, when a company brings aboard a new chief human resource officer, he or she inherits a team of HR professionals, some of whom may not have the skills necessary to help the CHRO take the company forward.

How do CHROs develop their HR teams?

That was one of the topics on the agenda of the annual one-day program for new CHROs, held every June by the National Academy of Human Resources and the NAHR Foundation. Taught by Fellows of NAHR (of which I am one), this invitation-only, intimate event focuses on the real-world challenges facing new CHROs, including issues such as executive compensation and working with a board of directors.

Fellows of the Academy share their expertise and many years of experience, and provide insights on lessons learned from their own careers. At the same time, HR leaders are able to network with peers and benefit from the perspectives of other senior HR leaders.

In anticipation of a discussion on ways new CHROs should consider organizing and developing their own talent -- or how to avoid being the proverbial cobbler whose children have no shoes -- I sent out a brief survey to some other NAHR Fellows.

It wasn't intended as a scientific survey, but instead is a brief insight into what some very successful CHROs have done to build their teams. Ten Fellows from retail, IT, finance, insurance, professional services and healthcare, in companies ranging in size from 20,000 to 500,000 employees, shared their thoughts with me.

New CHROs should know they are not alone in their concerns about the capabilities of the HR team they now lead.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Genpact inks new HR management pact with Nissan

NEW DELHI: BPO major Genpact on Monday said it has partnered with Nissan to take over the Japanese auto giant's human resources (HR) centre's management in Yokohama, Japan as part of a seven-year deal.

Nissan Human Information Service (NHIS) is a subsidiary of Nissan Motor since 2000 and currently handles HR functions for more than 54,000 Nissan employees worldwide.

The size of the new pact was, however, not disclosed. The collaborative relationship also includes a seven-year agreement, whereby Genpact will provide payroll, benefits, staffing, training and other key HR services to Nissan, Genpact said in a statement.

The centre, renamed Genpact Japan Service Co Ltd, will significantly increase Genpact's onshore service delivery capability in Japan, it added.

In addition to the Nissan Group Companies and Affiliates, the centre will also serve additional companies and existing Genpact clients.

"Genpact has seen a strong demand for our services in Japan and we have already had discussions with a number of our clients who would like to leverage our new capabilities," Genpact CEO (Asia) Charles Hunting said.

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

BI and human resources fuelling IT jobs demand - report

Business intelligence, human resources, desktop support and migrations to the latest Microsoft products are where the jobs are in the IT market, according to a report.

Recruitment firm Badenoch & Clark, in its monthly report on the IT jobs market, said: “Technology migrations and software implementations are propping up the IT recruitment market at the moment as organisations look to the future.”

Matt Gascoigne, operations director for IT at Badenoch & Clark, said HR and business intelligence are two key growth areas. "We're seeing an uplift in demand for a number of roles from functional analysts through to technical consultants to help with large scale implementations within HR functions of global organisations," he said.

"Hiring managers are being increasingly specific, not only requiring cultural fit but also knowledge of local employment and payroll legislation.”

On BI (business intelligence), Gascoigne said, having had a tough 18 months, many companies are implementing reporting tools to highlight profitability of different parts of their business so that senior management can make an informed decision on future investment.

"There are increasing levels of demand for those with experience of BI/MI technologies such as SAP and Oracle from junior level analysts right up to department heads and BI directors as a result.”

In addition, according to the report, desktop support candidates are back in demand in financial services. “Having shrunk their desktop functions as headcount reduced during the recession, financial services organisations are now increasing their headcount as activity picks up in the sector. As a result we're seeing strong levels of demand for desktop support candidates,” said the recruitment firm.

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Cloud computing an indispensable part of our daily life

If any of your office suites ditch you or find it expensive to buy, what do you do?  Head to Google Docs. You start making your docs, ppt’s and excel sheets – just with a computer and Internet connectivity, anytime and anywhere. Free.

This is cloud computing in today’s technical parlance. A technology that offers to carry out your daily work, business, using “online software” with any computer via the Internet from any part of the world. There is no need to install any software on computers.

Cloud computing is a net of various services used just like internet services but the mode of application and implementation is different then normal internet services. Any online software, for example Google docs, Flickr and others have a back-end networks of services divided into various small independent functions which are installed on various different computers and network. The joining of these services virtually, gives us final product to work on, hence it’s called “Cloud Computing.”

The application is literally floating in the network, which needs no installation on your computer. Everything works remotely. To work on these types of applications only three things are required – any computer, Internet access and log in details.

The actual seed of this technology was planted in late 2004, which gave people a new wave of innovation – unnamed and unknown. One could use “online applications” for their daily use without the need to install the applications on computers with a Internet connection. The ability to write/share, upload data to store or share in the form of pictures/videos, communication tools and business tools:

The prime examples which started the wave are some applications are still consistent or taken over by other companies to add in more features.

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

HR Software Augment the Performance of Your Company

Human resource is a vital dept in any company. Even small businesses that are just starting out have a HR department. This dept guarantees the workers of the company are sorted. It allows you to keep track of your workers, pay them and perform other tasks that handle the staff in your company. The HR department is also accountable for employing suitable staff for the company. With so many functions, HR departments frequently realise they are swamped with a great manual workload. Human resource software was invented to ease this workload.

Human resource software is an information system that combines the basic activities and processes that are a part of the HR functions with modern information technology. The software so makes the functions and process of HR much easier.

The functions and features of human resources software change. These variations rely on the wishes and requirements of the company that employs the software. Most software however includes features that will permit you to track applicants to the company. The software will comb through electronic applications and select the applicants that meet the criteria set by the company.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Employment Screening Resources and HR Integrations Create Partnership for More Accessible Human Resource Services

Employment Screening Resources (ESR), a nationwide background check provider accredited by the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS), and HR Integrations, the leading integrations network and exchange for the Human Resource (HR) market, have announced a strategic partnership that will make HR services more accessible to ESR clients by connecting Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) on the innovative HR Integrations HRNX platform with ESR’s background check solutions. The integration allows employers to also take advantage of ESR’s paperless Applicant Generated Report (AGR) system.
“The HR Integrations HRNX platform combined with ESR’s industry leading background check technology will provide our clients with the ability to integrate quickly and seamlessly with leading ATS and HRIS platforms and utilize our unique paperless system,” said Lester Rosen, founder and CEO of Employment Screening Resources.
HR Integrations creates a single HR services marketplace on desktops of HR managers and recruiters by connecting a virtually unlimited number of ATS and HRIS software platforms with HR service providers such as Employment Screening Resources through the HRNX Exchange. HR Integrations is currently partnered with HR software platforms that include:
  • Peopleclick Authoria – Peoplefluent (RMS)
  • Taleo Business Edition
  • Jobscience
  • SilkRoad – OpenHire
  • SharedHR
In addition, HR Integrations has developed an API-based connector for HR service providers for Peoplesoft eRecruit and other ERP platforms, including Oracle and SAP.
“Through HR Integrations, ESR integrates with the ATS and HRIS systems currently using the HRNX platform along with other soon to be available ATS and HRIS systems in the future,” Rosen adds. “This partnership gives Human Resource departments across the United States more choice and convenience.”
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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Two Picks in HR Software

Lazard Capital Markets

We remain buyers of Kenexa and SuccessFactors following recent weakness.
Negative economic data points coupled with company-specific concerns have resulted in 17% and 42% selloffs in Kenexa (ticker: KNXA) and SuccessFactors (SFSF), respectively, following their first-quarter 2011 earnings results.

We believe these names are oversold and represent attractive entry levels for two leaders in the on-demand human-capital-management (HCM) space.
At Kenexa (rated at Buy), overly discounting macro data, we continue to see upside to our above-consensus estimates, unsustainable valuation discount. Kenexa is down 17% since it reported first-quarter earnings on May 3, due to negative headline macro news and concerns over the business model's sensitivity to continued weak employment trends.
We believe Wall Street is overpenalizing the company based on prerecession business dynamics of its recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) business minimums, 23% of overall revenue and 6% of subscription revenue. During the recession Kenexa chose to renegotiate contracts for lower fixed amounts rather than lose customers, which exacerbated its revenue decline.

Currently, nearly all of the company's RPO customers are operating at their contracted minimums, choosing to pay higher-margin success fees. Furthermore, in the event of a broad-based macro slowdown in hiring, we don't view this business as carrying as much risk as the market appears to be pricing in.

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Friday, July 15, 2011

HR company in buying spree

SumTotal Systems, a human capital management solutions provider, has acquired CyberShift, a workforce management and expense software provider, and Accero, experts in payroll and benefits software, writes SYS CON.

These acquisitions advance and accelerate SumTotal's vision and expand talent management to link mission critical processes across the broader HCM market.

With over 3 400 global customers and 43 million users, SumTotal represents the most complete strategic HCM solution delivering greater value to customers with cross-functional best-in-class capabilities.

Increasing labour costs have put additional pressures on organisations, driving the need for improved, global visibility of how organisations manage their workforce to reduce operational costs.

According to WorkForce, HR software provider SumTotal Systems revealed the two acquisitions last week Thursday, adding to the consolidation among makers of human resources applications.

The moves come on the heels of other acquisitions by SumTotal in the past year and position it as a more comprehensive HR software vendor.

Other firms that began with targeted HR software applications also have been expanding their breadth in a bid to meet customer calls for an integrated set of talent management tools.

SuccessFactors has gobbled up a number of vendors, including Plateau Systems. And Taleo. has acquired firms including Worldwide Compensation.

“Customers are requiring more end-to-end solutions for enabling strategic, high-value [human capital management] processes across their entire organisation, while having 'one-hand-to-shake' with their delivery partner,” said John Borgerding, CEO of SumTotal Systems, in a written statement.

Terms of the acquisitions were not disclosed.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New Employee Attendance Tracker Software Helps Small Businesses Succeed

EzTimesheet software, the easy-to-use employee attendance tracking software from halfpricesoft, helps users free up human resources for higher productivity and more sustainable savings during this economic difficulty. And the latest version of ezTimeSheet software contains several new features that make employee attendance tracking, payroll processing and tax report filing even easier and faster.

The new ezTimeSheet Employee tracker includes more flexible edit function, permission control, report feature and timesheet lock/unlock features, which were implemented according to customer's feedbacks. The time tracker is available for free download, with no cost and no obligation.

"HR Management is important for any business and organization; however employee time and attendance tracking can be very time-consuming. We believe small business should focus their time and energy on running their businesses, not trying to figure out how to run payroll software" explains Dr. Ge, President and Founder of halfpricesoft.com. "We intentionally engineered ezTimeSheet software for those end-users who are not professional accountants and HR expert, so small businesses can set up ezTimeSheet quickly and easily."

Known for affordability and ease-of-use, ezTimeSheet employee attendance and time tracking software was designed specifically for small business owners, non-profits and HR department managers. One of the main goals of ezTimeSheet software designers is to make sure that the product is easy to use - even for people who may not have much experience.

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Employees are key to meeting HR goals

NEW GLOUCESTER, ME – Satisfied and engaged employees are essential if healthcare human resources departments are to hit the goal of improving patient satisfaction and safety, said an industry panel during a webinar Thursday reflecting on a newly released survey of healthcare HR professionals.

Happy employees equal happy patients,” said Lydia Ostermeier, director, Indiana University Health, and National Association for Health Care Recruitment president.

“There’s tons and tons of data out there that validates that an engaged workforce performs significantly higher than a disengaged one,” said Jeff Payne, vice president of human resources, Lakeland Regional Medical Center and past president of the American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration (ASHHRA).

ASHHRA, a personal membership group of the American Hospital Association, and Healthcare Source, a provider of talent management software solutions, teamed up to question healthcare HR professionals about their top initiatives for reducing costs, improving patient satisfaction and patient safety and to learn what challenges HR professionals are facing today. Fifty percent of the 234 respondents to the nationwide survey reported they were HR directors or managers.

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Importance Of A Human Resource System To An Organization

Modern business practice requires an integrated human resource system to replace manual processes for the operational control of employee relations. This has resulted in reduced labor requirements and administrative processes. The corresponding increase in productivity due to centralized computing streamlines operations and assists managers to focus on more mission critical aspects of human resource management. Although paperwork hasn't been totally reduced, human resource managers can now spend more time on core business objectives as opposed to attending to minor administration tasks.

One area where a computerized human resource system is fully utilized is in the screening, tracking and reporting on application processes associated with filling vacancies. With internet integration, job posting, the tracking of open positions and the ability to store resumes electronically, human resource managers can fulfill recruitment, screening and conduct all operations from a centralized computer terminal. The ability to performing searches and track jobs and applications greatly expedites processes that would otherwise be very time consuming to execute.

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

What is Strategic Human Resource Management?

In Human Resource (HR) and management circles nowadays there is much talk about Strategic Human Resource Management and many expensive books can be seen on the shelves of bookshops. But what exactly is SHRM (Strategic Human Resource Development), what are its key features and how does it differ from traditional human resource management?

SHRM or Strategic human resource management is a branch of Human resource management or HRM. It is a fairly new field, which has emerged out of the parent discipline of human resource management. Much of the early or so called traditional HRM literature treated the notion of strategy superficially, rather as a purely operational matter, the results of which cascade down throughout the organisation. There was a kind of unsaid division of territory between people-centred values of HR and harder business values where corporate strategies really belonged. HR practitioners felt uncomfortable in the war cabinet like atmosphere where corporate strategies were formulated.

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Friday, June 24, 2011

HRiQ Leadership Management

HRiQ Leadership Management provides tools for you and Your Managers to know their Strengths & Potential areas of Development thereby allowing them to focus and improve their strengths and help in the organisation growth.

Using HRiQ Leadership Management, Managers can self- assess themselves on a set of pre-defined criteria (set based on your company’s objectives) and obtain a 360 Degree feedback from others that include their Peers, Superiors, Sub-Ordinates via Online, Anonymous methods.

    * Provides an Overview of the Managers and Leaders Strengths and Potential Areas of Development.

    * Managers can collect candid feedback from various sources.

    * Provide comparative analysis of the feedback to the managers including overall as well as specific criteria.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

HRIQ Attendance Management

HRIQ Attendance Management automates attendance capture and provides Managers with the capability to accurately plan & schedule Employees Work Schedules to optimise on the available resources. Using HRIQ Attendance Management Managers can manage, track & report on Employees’ attendance, overtime & allowances.

    * Enable Your Managers to create flexible schedules for fixed and rotating shifts for their Employees’ and be able to make adjustments on a need-to basis.

    * Optimise Your Resources by managing the Employees’ schedule and improve productivity.

    * Automate Your Employees’ Attendance with Integration to various Time Clock devices.

    * Automate the Overtime calculations supported by workflow procedures for managers to approve Overtime and Allowances with seamless integration to HRiQ Payroll.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Human Resources Job Description

The interesting role of a Human Resources (HR) Manager ranges from interviewing prospective candidates, to providing the best possible environment for task efficiency at a minimal cost to the company.

Those who are interested in becoming a Human Resources Manager, or beginning their career in this field, must possess Master's degree in the area. They must acquire the skills of short listing candidates for various job positions and interviewing candidates to find out how far they are suitable to perform the tasks in the company and many others. Once a new employee enters the company, they should be made to integrate their work so as to become a part of the well-organized work culture of the company. This is important as the new employees often bring their old habits or work ethics into the new office, which may be at odds with the existing work atmosphere. By being a part of the team, the new employee must assimilate their qualities and must exhibit a give and take attitude to perform better.

The manager, or those employed in the Human Resources section, must work closely with those in the production team of a company to find out the requirements for temporary staffing and other needs. This assumes urgency at the time when there is most demand for the product. For instance, the demand for heaters goes up tremendously just before winter sets in. In this case, if the heater company fails to stock the products in the market well in advance, their competitors will walk away with the sales and leave the company in financial straits. Therefore, the Human Resources Manager must co-ordinate with all the departments, including the Management and Marketing departments, to know their latest requirements in staffing, and must start the necessary process accordingly.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Overtime and Timesheet Management

HRiQ Overtime & Timesheet Management allows Your Employees & Managers to manage their overtime hours and work activities and its related costs for various projects. HRiQ Overtime & Timesheet Management helps you in controlling, tracking and reporting on Overtime expenses thereby managing the costs against planned financial objectives of the company. Using HRiQ Overtime & Timesheet Management, Managers can track the productivity of the Employees on various Projects.

    * Streamline your Employees Overtime Expenses with policy-driven controls.

    * Automate the Overtime calculations supported by workflow procedures for managers to approve Overtime and Allowances with seamless integration to HRiQ Payroll.

    * Increase Employee Satisfaction by giving them the necessary tools to manage their timesheet activities and their overtime.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Human Capital Analytics and Planning

HRiQ Human Capital Analytics and Planning provides tools for your company to analyse the information and assist in manpower planning and budgeting. Using these tools your Executives, Managers, HR Professionals can analyse and identify the trends at an early stage and make informed decisions. This would enable you to manage your human capital more effectively, predict workforce costs and ROI associated with your Human Capital.

    * Use current workforce and past trends and plan your future needs using demographic data and staff movement data.

    * Use predefined set of graphical reports to analyse headcount development, turnover rates, and your talent composition.

    * Perform headcount planning, budgeting and send this to company financials for overall budgeting.

    * Analyse Your Employees' Performance, Competencies and Career Development needs and make informed decisions about your People Talent.

    * Have a Better Understanding of Your Staff Leave, Expenses, their Attendance using easy to use interactive charts and trends.

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