Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Benefits of Effective Human Capital Management

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Human capital management, also known as human resource management, will always be an intrinsic part of each and every company. It is the core that ensures both the top management and the workers co-exist in an office environment that results in everybody's success.

For the most part, they handle the most complicated processes in a company as they serve as a go-between among the upper management and the workforce. These processes involve workforce organization, orientation, training and development, compensation, employee benefits, workforce financial planning, recruitment, promotion and labor relations but none of these matters if you do not know how to maximize the potential of your workforce effectively.

The two focus areas that a startup company should prioritize are recruitment and training and development. These two areas, if done according to ones company goals, will severely decrease the expenses and will generate faster returns on investment.

The role of a recruiter's job is to identify potential applicants that meet desired qualifications and to ensure that the hiring process is done in accordance with the company vision and mission. There is no better way to attain this but through employee assessments. The importance of employee assessments and evaluations play a vital role in the success of a company before and after recruitment.

For one, it is used to identify if the person applying for a specific position is qualified to fulfill his or her job responsibilities. It will also identify organic attributes before hiring such as being trainable, a good leader or a team worker and the possible longevity an employee might serve the company. It is always a good idea to know if the person you will be spending money on is worth your expense. Is the person going to be an added value to my company?

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