Tuesday, November 22, 2011

HRiQ: Proven in Practice

Many F&B companies find themselves struggling to manage their human resource, especially companies which have branch outlets and various types of ventures across different venues. Companies might have restaurants, cafes, bistro style eateries and even just stall shops selling the food items themselves. Such varieties of establishments demand varying numbers of staff, and this will cause a lot of work and trouble for a HR department that does not have a good human resource management system in place.

First of all, there will be difficulties in managing the payroll and staff payslips. F&B retail staff usually work by the hour, and usually clock in and out of a manual system. However, this is troublesome and prone to errors. A time attendance system or form of attendance software will help to correct these errors, more so if it is linked to payroll software. Such an attendance system will allow employers to monitor employee attendance using a time sheet and likewise, adjust wages using the software for payroll.

Secondly, another process that can be simplified is that of leave application. Previously employees had to physically approach superiors, ask for leave application forms, fill them up, send them in and wait for approval. This usually takes a long time to process, and employees had to apply many weeks in advance. It is therefore inefficient and a waste of precious HR, which has to consistently review and approve many leave applications. Leave software, such as an online leave management system, will greatly benefit the company. Online leave application will allow employees to apply for leave with the click of a mouse, which HR can then approve with another click of a mouse.

This leave application system greatly cuts down on administrative lag and provides a good HR solution to absence management. This also ensures that employees are compensated accurately, since employers can view the time sheet and match the payroll accordingly. This thus reduces error in payroll and cuts down on losses for the company. Coupled with the improvement of otherwise taxing and inefficient manual processes of leave application and attendance tracking, this digital HR solution will greatly benefit a company looking to streamline its functions.

F&B companies should look to HRMS, HRIS and other HR software to improve human resource management. Such leave software, payroll software and attendance software will reap great rewards for companies that wish to expand their market presence and open more outlets and branches in the future. Managing their staff will be a much easier task and companies can then place emphasis on product quality and customer service to stand out from the competition.

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