Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Developing Future HR Leaders

With few exceptions, when a company brings aboard a new chief human resource officer, he or she inherits a team of HR professionals, some of whom may not have the skills necessary to help the CHRO take the company forward.

How do CHROs develop their HR teams?

That was one of the topics on the agenda of the annual one-day program for new CHROs, held every June by the National Academy of Human Resources and the NAHR Foundation. Taught by Fellows of NAHR (of which I am one), this invitation-only, intimate event focuses on the real-world challenges facing new CHROs, including issues such as executive compensation and working with a board of directors.

Fellows of the Academy share their expertise and many years of experience, and provide insights on lessons learned from their own careers. At the same time, HR leaders are able to network with peers and benefit from the perspectives of other senior HR leaders.

In anticipation of a discussion on ways new CHROs should consider organizing and developing their own talent -- or how to avoid being the proverbial cobbler whose children have no shoes -- I sent out a brief survey to some other NAHR Fellows.

It wasn't intended as a scientific survey, but instead is a brief insight into what some very successful CHROs have done to build their teams. Ten Fellows from retail, IT, finance, insurance, professional services and healthcare, in companies ranging in size from 20,000 to 500,000 employees, shared their thoughts with me.

New CHROs should know they are not alone in their concerns about the capabilities of the HR team they now lead.

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