Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Software Used in Human Resources

The human resources organization within a business has responsibility for a range of tasks relating to employees and the way employees interact with each other and with the business. Software used in human resources ranges from highly specialized software that performs only a single, primary function to complete software suites designed to address all the needs a human resources department may have.

Widely used human resource software such as the open-source OrangeHRM suite and the proprietary Microsoft Dynamics suite seek to be single-source providers. However, human resource software solutions large and small share a focus on allowing human resources professionals to perform a core set of tasks efficiently.

1. Payroll
Payroll software performs the basic function of calculating employee pay according to a business's pay schedule. Payroll software must be able to take calculate salaried and hourly employee pay, and provide mechanisms for adjusting pay based on variable, such as compensated and uncompensated time off.

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