Tuesday, November 22, 2011

HRiQ: Proven in Practice

Many F&B companies find themselves struggling to manage their human resource, especially companies which have branch outlets and various types of ventures across different venues. Companies might have restaurants, cafes, bistro style eateries and even just stall shops selling the food items themselves. Such varieties of establishments demand varying numbers of staff, and this will cause a lot of work and trouble for a HR department that does not have a good human resource management system in place.

First of all, there will be difficulties in managing the payroll and staff payslips. F&B retail staff usually work by the hour, and usually clock in and out of a manual system. However, this is troublesome and prone to errors. A time attendance system or form of attendance software will help to correct these errors, more so if it is linked to payroll software. Such an attendance system will allow employers to monitor employee attendance using a time sheet and likewise, adjust wages using the software for payroll.

Secondly, another process that can be simplified is that of leave application. Previously employees had to physically approach superiors, ask for leave application forms, fill them up, send them in and wait for approval. This usually takes a long time to process, and employees had to apply many weeks in advance. It is therefore inefficient and a waste of precious HR, which has to consistently review and approve many leave applications. Leave software, such as an online leave management system, will greatly benefit the company. Online leave application will allow employees to apply for leave with the click of a mouse, which HR can then approve with another click of a mouse.

This leave application system greatly cuts down on administrative lag and provides a good HR solution to absence management. This also ensures that employees are compensated accurately, since employers can view the time sheet and match the payroll accordingly. This thus reduces error in payroll and cuts down on losses for the company. Coupled with the improvement of otherwise taxing and inefficient manual processes of leave application and attendance tracking, this digital HR solution will greatly benefit a company looking to streamline its functions.

F&B companies should look to HRMS, HRIS and other HR software to improve human resource management. Such leave software, payroll software and attendance software will reap great rewards for companies that wish to expand their market presence and open more outlets and branches in the future. Managing their staff will be a much easier task and companies can then place emphasis on product quality and customer service to stand out from the competition.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Engaging the Human Resource

It is important for any company looking to surge ahead of competitors to make sure that their human resource is fully equipped and engaged. Each and every employee should be able to maximize their potential and efficiently utilize the skills and knowledge they possess in order to further the company’s position in the industry.

Many companies in competitive markets are trying to attain such efficient use of human resource, and this can be done with human resource management software, or HRMS. Step one to managing human resource is putting a system in place for staff performance appraisal, and HRMS software will do that easily.

A competent HR performance management system will help employers track employee performance at various levels according to customized markers such as workload, attendance, and therefore provides a good method for employee performance evaluation. By allowing open-ended employer performance appraisals, employee performance evaluation will include input and comments that will make the performance management system more balanced and fairer.

Step two is to incentivize the human resource, providing the employees with opportunities to advance and grow. As the quality of human resource progresses, so will the company itself.

For example, employees identified to be performing well will be given chances to improve their abilities and rise within the company. They will be able to attend courses and training programs that will allow them to attain new skills and gain knowledge. This will further their career in both the firm and in the industry, giving them motivation to perform.
Additional monetary incentives could be added, with payroll software tied in to the performance management system. This provides incentive in the form of financial rewards if they perform up to expectations. This adds more value to the performance management system and makes the HRMS more streamlined and beneficial to the company on a whole.

It can be seen, therefore, that engaging the human resource will reap benefits for the company that will outweigh initial costs. These benefits will be most evident when the staff is competent, efficient, motivated and driven to bring the company to greater heights.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Costs and Benefits Analysis of Good HR Management

In this struggling economy, every firm needs to think about how to better manage costs to turn better revenue. Larger firms will naturally focus on managing human resource, as poor human resource management and structure strains the company and dredges the progress of the firm, especially one in competitive industries.

The first thing companies need to take note of is the allocation of employees. Employees cannot be wasted in a company of limited space and opportunity, and it requires a good human resource management system, or HRMS, to handle a large staff roster.

Employees who are unsatisfied with their progress, performance or treatment in a company will actively seek for other opportunities elsewhere, even possibly joining competing firms for the benefits they’ve been offered there.

Such employee reactions will result in large losses for the company: firstly, a cost in the productivity for the firm when employees take leave or go absent to search for other, more satisfactory jobs. Various technology production firms in Canada have registered a loss of more than CAN$1 billion due to this loss in productivity and the associating opportunity costs that were incurred.

Secondly, there will be a loss in human resource when the employees quit and move on, which will be need to filled in all over again. More costs are then incurred with the necessary follow-up search for new talent.

These issues can be addressed with good HRMS and competent general HR practices. A good leave management system will help employers keep track of employee attendance. Such attendance software and customized attendance systems will help employers to take note of staff who may be preparing to jump the ship. It will also help employers to improve their payroll systems and implement time sheets, which will reflect these attendance lapses in the payroll and employee payslips.

Absence management, leave management and payroll management will thus help firms reduce costs by making sure employees who are not performing up to task are not rewarded accordingly.

Further benefits can be gained if employers were to also use human resource management software to carefully manage existing staff in the company, giving them opportunities to train and develop better skills in their occupation. This will allow them to advance and proceed further in their career, giving them job satisfaction. This will in turn increase productivity and HR efficiency, positively benefiting the firm in the long run.