Wednesday, March 9, 2011

HR Pitfalls For Small Business

An interesting post by By Scott Spjut

Just because a business is small - even a business of one - it doesn't mean all the demands and requirements usually handled by the human resource department disappear. It's vital for a business of any size to not succumb to common HR pitfalls, but especially those that may be unique to a smaller company.

It's okay to ask for help, especially when dealing with complex legal issues. Some local lawyers may be willing to guide you through a problem at little to no cost. And try to network with other HR professionals to take advantage of their advice and experience.

Keep meticulous records. You may not have fancy documents - mass produced by corporate - but you should create standard documents for your most common needs and utilize them. Take good notes when dealing with employees to be sure there is a record of what has been, and still needs to be, addressed.

Know the law. Each state is a little different, so take time to contact your local authorities to find out what laws may apply to your business and your employees. And be sure to stay updated on any changes that may take place.

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