Wednesday, March 16, 2011

HR and the Immigration Issue

An interesting post by T. F. Stables

IRCA (the Immigration Reform and Control Act) made it illegal for any employer to knowingly hire persons who did not have authority to work in the United States. My concept of illegal immigration and how that concept applies to HR and business is pretty straightforward. Each employer must verify identity and eligibility to work of every new hire. At that point, it seemed pretty obvious that the federal government was putting the monkey of illegal immigration on the back of employers...

I was fairly new to personnel work (what we called it in those days) when IRCA was enacted in 1986. I was working at a large hardware company (200+ people) in one of the mid-Atlantic states. We didn't really have a lot of "illegals" apply to work for the company. At least not that we knew about..., but there was a lot of gnashing of the teeth anyway. You know, 'the federal government's getting into our business, how can we operate with all these regulations', and so on. Because of the type of experience we required and the market we were in, it was unlikely that undocumented aliens would be a fit for our openings anyway.

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