Thursday, February 24, 2011

Human Resource Management

An informative post by Dr. Shailesh Thaker

I cannot say whether things will be better if we get change, but what I can assure that they must change if they are to get better. A bird view on a global scenario forces you to reshape your skills and knowledge bank. HRD Professional has to change tools of his compass to influence the knowledge workers very effectively. As it is a firm believes in training that “learners never get fail, teachers do so”. In such situations HRD Professional has to equip himself with new technology and new philosophy to inspire the knowledge worker to achieve common goals.
HRD Professionals will face following challenges in the coming time are…

A) Technology (skill):
Whatever changes world has seen in last 100 years more than those changes world is seeing in last ten years. ATM machine has replace pay order in a bank .Same way, new technology is changing old technology of the training world also. Web COURSE, Video Conferences and E- LEARNING are the best examples in the distance learning.

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