Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Claims and Benefits Management

HRiQ Claims and Benefits Management intuitive and easy to use by employees for their management of online claims submission including all claims under their benefits and reimbursable expenses like traveling, transport, entertainment, etc. Approval is based on a multi-tiered level that can be varied by claim category set-up.
  • The Claims and Benefits Management automates the tracking of each employee's benefit entitlement, claims and expenses against limits. It facilitates HR in administrating the organization's medical and dental benefit programs.
  • laims and Benefits Management provides for co-payment schemes for sharing of medical expenses between employee and employer. Co-payment incentives are available to reward employees for non-claims or surplus credit payout at the end of the year. Payouts of claims to employees are integrated to the HR Payroll System for crediting into the employee's payroll.

    Try the No obligation DEMO on HRiQ Human Resources Management Software

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