Saturday, January 29, 2011

Payroll Management

In a dynamic business environment having a Payroll System which is efficient, robust and user-friendly that allows you to analyze your human capital costs by using readily available tools.
  • The Payroll System provides the flexibility for you to control the pay items and the integrity of the data, through a series of set up parameters.
  • The system interfaces to other Human Resource modules to import and update these payroll transactions into the system for processing into the payroll. It provides for integration to your General Ledger by report or export of the accounting transactions relating to built-in account codes and cost centers.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Leave Management

HRiQ Leave Management automates the HR administrative tasks of recording leave and controlling these against Leave policies defined in the HR system. The HR system provides flexibility in allowing you to define various leave types including Annual Leave, Sick Leave, Maternity Leave and etc.
  • Leave Management provides an extension module - eLeave for online electronic application and approval of leave. The system has the ability to configure the approval process.
  • Leave Management allows you to record and track off-in-lieu Leave. This can be integrated to the eClaims module for overtime claims to be claimed on off-in-lieu or overtime allowance paid through the HR payroll.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Time Attendance Management

  • The Time Attendance Management system provides electronic importing of employees attendance. It seamlessly integrated with leave system and payroll system.
  • There is much flexibility of setting up Work Hours Group accordingly to your requirements and you can view reports on screen, print or export it to a file for use with other software applications such as Microsoft Excel, Word, PDF etc.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Claims and Benefits Management

HRiQ Claims and Benefits Management intuitive and easy to use by employees for their management of online claims submission including all claims under their benefits and reimbursable expenses like traveling, transport, entertainment, etc. Approval is based on a multi-tiered level that can be varied by claim category set-up.
  • The Claims and Benefits Management automates the tracking of each employee's benefit entitlement, claims and expenses against limits. It facilitates HR in administrating the organization's medical and dental benefit programs.
  • laims and Benefits Management provides for co-payment schemes for sharing of medical expenses between employee and employer. Co-payment incentives are available to reward employees for non-claims or surplus credit payout at the end of the year. Payouts of claims to employees are integrated to the HR Payroll System for crediting into the employee's payroll.

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Appraisal Management

The appraisal management module of HRiQ provides for the recording of staff appraisal scores based on user defined appraisal templates. You can create and setup different templates for different types by departments or job functions. Appraisal Management calculates the final score for each employee based on a table of score set up for each template.
  • These final scores are integrated and kept in the employee records as part of the employee performance history and can be linked and use as a basis for pay increments and bonus payout.
  • Appraisal Management is a key component of the HRiQ Human Resource Management Software.
  • If you would like to arrange for a demo of HRiQ, kindly contact us or fill in your particulars on the Enquiry Form at the right, and we will get back to you soon.

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Employee Self-Service Part 2

The Employee Self-Service System empowers employees to update their personal details, apply for leave, submit claims and view their payslips under a secured environment.
With Employee self service module, HR Practitioner can streamline most of the administrative work and focus on HR analytics, reviewing HR policies and etc.
  • eBooking

    Booking of company resources from rooms to projectors, notebooks, meeting rooms to company vehicles and more.
  • eTraining

    Employees view training schedules, sign up for training courses, update Learning Needs, rate individual knowledge, skills and abilities and submit training application courses.

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Employee Self-Service Part 1

The Employee Self-Service System empowers employees to update their personal details, apply for leave, submit claims and view their payslips under a secured environment.
With Employee self service module, HR Practitioner can streamline most of the administrative work and focus on HR analytics, reviewing HR policies and etc.
  • eHR

    Employees views, enters and update personal information such as addresses, dependents, emergency contacts, retrieve listing. Administrators upload general company announcements, company's phone listing, instant viewing of New Hirees and Resignees.
  • eLeave

    A one-stop web-based system for enquiry, application and processing of all leave related information. Managing leave occupies most of the time required by the HR and Administration department.
  • ePayslip

    With HRIQ's web-based E-Payslip module, organizations are able to enjoy and reap the benefits without even realizing it. It is "win-win" situation for all parties. Employees get to view payslips anytime, anywhere and from any period, from any year. Employers enjoy cost savings as no recurring costs are incurred such as paper and stationeries.
  • eClaims

    Employees view and submit claims and reimbursements. Consolidates many claim types to a single form within a single application. Managers can approve a single or multiple claims from subordinates.

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Friday, January 21, 2011

Training & Development Management

The Training Management System evaluates your organization's training need. It provides information on costing, subsidies, business units and individual levels. It facilitates staff training development, training administration and career planning.

The Training Management System records and tracks employee training against predefined courses and supports People Developer training framework.

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

HRiQLive (SaaS)

Reduce Your Investment for an Integrated HR Application

HRiQLive is a web-based Human Capital Management Solution on SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) model. It assists you in achieving an effective and efficient way in Human Resource Management with end-to-end information tightly integrated. The application comes with easy-to-use functionalities and configurable parameters which is an excellent tool for HR Managers to manage their employee's employment progression.

Some of the reasons that companies are turning to Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) are:

  •     Faster deployment time and reduced time-to-market
  •     Reduce IT infrastructure acquisition and maintenance costs
  •     Greater ease of use and added business value
  •     Reliability and scalability
  •     Cut down manual administrative work
  •     User friendly, Easy-to-Use with Graphics-centric Interface
  •     Secured environment with proven technology

Know More about HRiQLive

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