Thursday, August 22, 2013

6 Reasons to Choose Our HRMS - HRiQ Human Capital Management Solution

HRIQ Human Capital Management SolutionTM is a comprehensive web-based HRMS, otherwise known as a human resources management software or HRIS software.

The strength of HRiQ is the simple, yet total, solution that aids you every step of the way, from assessing and aligning a sustainable workforce to augmenting continued productivity and profit.  

1) Ease of Use - Designed with your employees in mind, HRiQ is an easy-to-use software with a short learning curve.

2) Scalable - HRIQ is designed to be easily expandable. It covers all HR aspects from Recruitment to Retirement and is modular based, giving you the ability to pick and customize the HR functions that your organization and staff require.  Start small with just one HRiQ module, and let HRiQ grow together with your business whenever you are ready to expand.

3) Secure - Enjoy peace of mind with HRiQ, as we are a fully web-based HRMS software built on the latest Microsoft technologies. HRiQ is a highly-secure HRMS solution that is available both on-premise and on the cloud. Your data will always be fully secure and protected on your own company servers, or in a secure data center hosted by leading global providers like Microsoft.

4) Holistic - With HRiQ, your HR department works on one central HR software that integrates one or all of the traditional HR modules. Our HRMS software ensures that your management has 360-degree visibility into all employee data, as it is seamlessly integrated across all HR functions, at any time, from anywhere.

5) Strong Partnerships - iqDynamics is a certified Microsoft Gold Partner in Application Development (formerly Independent Software Vendor / ISV). This means that iqDynamics has demonstrated the highest and most specialized ability and commitment to our proven expertise in developing innovative applications such as HRiQ using the latest Microsoft platform technologies.

6) Flexible - With a large base of customers that come from different industries, HRiQ is proven in its flexibility to work for any organization, from SMEs to large enterprises, across any industry and sector.

Selecting the right HRMS for your organization is important. Your team has to ensure that the HRMS can be customized to your organization's unique requirements, offers the best security for your company data and is simple enough for daily use and alleviates time-consuming administrative tasks.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How Unified Human Resources Management Leads to Profits

Going by the Singapore Department of Statistics [1]  having a business in Singapore comes with advantages: a high literacy rate of 95.9%, a low-inflation rate of 2.8%; a respectable, annual growth in labor productivity by about 10.7%; a GDP of $300 billion; and a hard-working, English-speaking workforce.

None of these advantages can be leveraged if your business is not equipped with the problems that come with business growth, though. One of them being human resource management. HR management comes with its own challenges, and more so in a country like Singapore, with rapid economic changes, a growing economy, vibrant industry, and a wide pool of skilled professionals:

Systematized & Integrated management HR Solutions

Rob Walker, in his feature article [2] at, recollects how Gerd Gigerenzer, an author and a psychologist “makes the case for intuition” in his book Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of the Unconscious. Rob mentions numerous instances and examples of non-number crunching heroes and world-renowned business greats such as Steve Jobs, Sir Richard Branson, and Jack Welsh – all examples of success by going by the gut.

“Going by the gut” is good for overall business strategy and might just work for product positioning. For human resources, however, the 'gut & feel’ system rarely works. It’s not to say that innovation is abortive when it comes to new, innovative HR solutions; it’s just that smooth and efficient operations are a must for businesses to function.

Screening, interviewing, and hiring the right talent is just the start. Payroll processing, financial management for employees, tax scheduling and processing, appraisal management systems, employee performance appraisals and evaluation – all of these critical processes need a streamlined, efficient, and a unified system to help businesses organize their resources and human assets.

Profits stall without continuous improvement

HR function involves setting standards for employees. It involves deploying workflows, executing key HR processes like audits, benchmarking, employee performance evaluation, etc. It also sets individual and group performance goals, task objects, and performance criteria. Smoothly aligned HR processes incorporating all of these elements are better positioned to harness business Return on Investments.

No measurements, nothing to work for

How many billable hours do your employees actually work? How do you rate an employee as compared to others with regards to performance? How to ensure best training made available to deserving employees? Who gets promoted and on what basis?

Although these questions might sound intrinsically simple and basic, your business success lies in not just answering these questions. Business success and sound Human resources policies can only originate from justifying your answers based on hard, relevant data. Metrics need to be set in place with systems to measure individual parameters.

The high-profile marriage with technology

None of the above business objectives can be met without the hallowed marriage of your business with technology. The latest advances in cloud computing, the soaring advantages of business intelligence, and the fact that any business – small, medium or big – can tap into a realm of options as far as technology is concerned. Our HR solutions (HRiQ Talent, HRiQ Core, HRiQ Cloud, etc.) have been designed with the above challenges in mind with our HR solutions using technology at their crux.

McKinsey Quarterly published a feature [3] that mentions two surveys done by McKinsey for its “War of Talent” series. In the survey, it’s apparent that ever since it’s first survey in 1997, and another one that followed almost a decade later, the shortage of talent is imminent all over the world. It’s critical to nurture talent, track performance, bring in the change, and leverage human resources better than ever.

Unified, strategic, and highly dependable technology solutions can help you acquire, manage, nurture and retain talent.

[1] Department of Statistics, Singapore: GDP Timeline --

[2] Fastcompany: Going for the gut --

[3] Making Talent a Strategic Priority: McKinsey Quarterly --

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Appraisal Management System as a Talent Development Strategy

According to a recent Human Resource Forum Poll, 16% of the respondents indicated that they did not have any appraisal management system for measuring performance. In fact, both HR managers and employees found the appraisals procedure uncomfortable. From the managers’ point of view, judging someone was difficult; while for the employee, it was unpleasant to be judged. This is where the appraisal management system comes to the rescue. A performance management system aligns individual goals with the overall organization goals. And the key to the success of any appraisal system is its timeliness and objectivity, which require both transparency as well as confidentiality.

Benefits of an Appraisal Management System
An appraisal management system provides the following advantages for the employee, HR managers and company:

1. Performance Based Compensation and Rewards
Most of the time, managers get caught up in fulfilling their various responsibilities and often don’t have much time to interact with the rest of the staff.  A performance management system forces managers to discuss performance issues with employees and allows the managers to reward the right employees. It also allows the company to budget properly and set the stage for performance improvement plans and any other actions that may follow. It also encourages and motivates employees to perform at advanced levels.

2. Aimed Staff Development
A performance management system is a good way to discover developmental opportunities and is an important part of a progression process. It helps employees remain updated on ongoing performance evaluations, so that they can act thoughtfully and consistently to the facts. This way the appraisal management system helps improve morale and increase productivity.

3. Poor Performers Identified 
Not only it is important to reward good work, we also need a platform to deal with employees who need improvement. An appraisal management system helps in identifying and documenting poor performers and allows a smooth transition if the relationship needs to be terminated.

4. Documentation of Employee Performance
It is crucial for an organization to keep performance records of all employees. These documented records can be used in the event of any legal occurrences to explain why certain actions were taken. They also serve as proof that company policies and employee and company rights have been upheld.

Companies should take an overall look at their appraisal management system and have very specific goals that are tied to planned initiatives and the performance management system. An appraisal management system, administered fairly by skilled supervisors and managers, is the best thing for a company and for its entire staff.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Time Attendance Software: Effective Solution for HR Managers

Did you know, according to a survey conducted by the American Payroll Association and published in 2009, 82% of the companies surveyed planned to purchase new or upgraded time attendance software within the next two years. In another survey, by Nucleus Research in 2008, 60% of the respondents said that their employees aren’t accurately reporting their time, or that they don’t know if the reported time is accurate, while 19% of the employees admitted to buddy-punching.

If you are still manually entering time and attendance data into your payroll system or if you don’t want to suffer the same fate, then it may be the right time to consider time attendance software. You can easily use this software to maintain indisputable time records.


Features and Advantages of Time Attendance Software in Managing Employee Time and Attendance

Time Attendance Software is an attendance tracking system that replaces the typical time clock used to track employee attendance. It helps in tracking and monitoring attendance precisely in real-time, from anywhere in the world.

Managing attendance and leave takes up precious time that the HR and administration department could invest more fruitfully. With a user-friendly and effective system, it provides managers with the ability to accurately plan and schedule employees' work schedules to optimize available resources. This, in turn, helps to release the bottleneck of enquiries made to the HR and administration department pertaining to leave. Therefore, this software also helps to increase work efficiency and productivity.

Features of Time Attendance Software: 
  • Customization features help meet specific requirements
  • Managers can create flexible schedules for fixed and rotating employee shifts and make adjustments on a need-to basis
  • Track leaves, absences or any other off time
  • Accurate identification of employees with biometric devices
  • Optimize resources by managing employees schedules, thereby improving productivity
  • Automate employee attendance via integration with various time clock devices
  • Also automate calculations for late arrivals, early departures, short leaves and half days
  • Automate calculation of overtime repayments
  • Suited to various tracking methods to comply with business operation policies
  • Create multiple shifts patterns, working groups, rostering, allowances and more. 
  • Manage and assign employees to different shifts easily.
Benefits of Time Attendance Software: 
  • Flexible and inclusive
  • Prevents buddy punching and fraudulent time keeping
  • Keeps track of real labor costs and prevent overpayments
  • Allows full audit trail and full accountability
  • Reduce time needed to verify attendance data
  • Reduces time needed to calculate and process payroll
  • Eliminates mistakes in calculating work hours and other human errors, such as manual reentering, etc.
  • Easy to use, scalable and  expandable
  • Precise, accurate and extensive reporting
  • Seamless administration
  • Helps managers and supervisors in controlling overtime
  • Real-time labor data availability - no more waiting for days and weeks to get the latest labor costs
  • Save your time and allow you to react more quickly to staffing problems
  • Monitors multiple locations
  • Timely analytical reports to support business decisions
Time attendance is an affordable HR software solution that allows you to easily keep track of employee attendance.  It provides easy to read reports, which can be passed on to your Accounts department, saving hours that you would otherwise have spent tallying hand-written punch clock cards or time cards. This way, the software helps increase productivity by eliminating time consuming tasks. The bottom line, however, is that sustaining such a system provides insight into your workforce’s functioning. It can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your business operations, if used correctly.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

People Management: Priorities for 2012 Part II

The arrival of 2012 will see many companies wanting to start the New Year on a good note, and put out a list of priorities that need attention.

Previously we tackled employee engagement and retention, and the need to reduce red tape and unnecessary administration. The article also talks about absence management as well as management of older and temporary workers.

Attendance software will be very useful to address these issues, especially a time attendance system that utilizes a time sheet will be able to track employee attendance and absence. This time attendance system will also incorporate online leave application, allowing employees to apply for leave from a computer, cutting out the need to fill up manual leave forms and submit them. This not only cuts down on the red tape previously talked about, but also records every instance of absence and leave taken that will allow employers to monitor and manage human resource effectively. This form of leave application system will make lives for employees and employers alike much easier. Employee leave management is an aspect of any company that cannot be overlooked.

Having a time sheet will also ensure clarity for employers in sorting out payroll issues, especially for temporary workers. During this holiday season, many temp workers have come and gone, and sorting out who gets what amount, excluding days of leave and off, can be a real hassle and a complicated task. A clear time attendance system and time management system will show each temp worker’s attendance and can be easily used to generate the payslip for each worker. This will greatly reduce the administrative work for the employer, as everything can be done digitally.

These human resource management systems will help employers in managing the performance, presence and leave of their older workers as well. Having a wide range of employee types, from temp staff to more senior staff, may confuse a boss, unless he has the necessary software to aid him.

Your company will have a great start to 2012 indeed, as these important issues can be resolved simply and effectively.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

People Management: Priorities for 2012 Part I

2012 is upon us, and companies all over the world are setting their goals and priorities for the New Year, if they haven’t already done so. This artcle mentions 10 aspects of employee management that every company should take note of.

Engagement is the first and most major aspect, as employees will be considering leaving their organization if there are not enough opportunities for promotion and training, and career prospects seems bleak. Employees are consistently looking for new growth themselves, and as the company grows, stagnation in their careers and payslips will not be good for morale and management.

A learning management system will help boost employee morale and performance, as employees will be able to apply for courses and training online, efficiently and quickly. Selection and choice of courses will depend on employee performance, and as such as an employee performance appraisal system is very useful to identity employees who have potential and drive to succeed in the company. This creates a cycle of performance, where employees who have gone for courses will be even more motivated to perform and do well for recognition.

Thus, a learning management system, or LMS, will benefit from co-usage of an appraisal management system or a performance management system where outstanding employees can be selected for grooming, settling the first issue of engagement.

This online digitization of employee performance evaluation and learning management will cut back on administrative lapse and red tape, which is the another issue companies have to address in 2012. The article mentions the need to cut back on bureaucracy and resolve issues in “poor performance management, poor training and a lack of investment in workers”.

A performance management system and appraisal management system will help address this problem, as employees’ careers and development can be tracked more easily now. Employee performance evaluation can also be tied to software for payroll, so a good appraisal or evaluation will directly affect payroll and an employee’s payslip. They will have added incentive to perform well. Employers will also now be able to monitor employee performance much more easily, without the previous hassle and difficulty of manual monitoring.

The company benefits from reduced red tape and administrative costs, and the human resource benefits from a much more streamlined workforce that engages them fully and completely. The perfect solution to this New Year’s resolution is in these human resource management systems.

Part II next week looks at the issues involving absence management, and managing older and temporary work staff.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Simplifying Human Resource Management

Human resource management, or HRM, is often times the backbone of a growing company. If it is done right, it can motivate people, resulting in a good working atmosphere, and drive the company to greater heights, but if it is done poorly, it can bog down the company in inefficiency, inane administration and employee dissatisfaction.

The article above states that HRM “should add value to the strategic utilization of employees and employee programmes”, and there is no better way to do that than with a capable performance management system and learning management system. A task that might have been previously complex and difficult to tackle solution-wise will now have been made simpler with this implementation of HR software. This software for human resource will motivate employees to aim higher while maintaining ease and clarity for employers.

With the use of HR software like HRIS for example, employers can access employee performance appraisals digitally, and can submit employee performance evaluations and staff performance appraisals into the database, making work easier and allowing all necessary information for individual employees to be gathered centrally.

These employees can also view courses and training opportunities they might want to attend, and be able to apply for them online with just the of a click of a button. This learning management system will greatly benefit workers wanting to improve.

The use of this central employee information pool is therefore double-pronged, with employers submitting performance appraisals and evaluation, and employees choosing courses they want, with matches made based on their performance eligibility. Human resource performance management is thus made more straightforward, with the technology linking both employer and employee.

This HR solution is the answer to making human resource work for you, and will help your company to do it right, to rise to greater heights.

Next week, we'll round off the year by looking at what kind of priorities HR should look at in 2012.