Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Importance Of A Human Resource System To An Organization

Modern business practice requires an integrated human resource system to replace manual processes for the operational control of employee relations. This has resulted in reduced labor requirements and administrative processes. The corresponding increase in productivity due to centralized computing streamlines operations and assists managers to focus on more mission critical aspects of human resource management. Although paperwork hasn't been totally reduced, human resource managers can now spend more time on core business objectives as opposed to attending to minor administration tasks.

One area where a computerized human resource system is fully utilized is in the screening, tracking and reporting on application processes associated with filling vacancies. With internet integration, job posting, the tracking of open positions and the ability to store resumes electronically, human resource managers can fulfill recruitment, screening and conduct all operations from a centralized computer terminal. The ability to performing searches and track jobs and applications greatly expedites processes that would otherwise be very time consuming to execute.

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Sunday, June 26, 2011

What is Strategic Human Resource Management?

In Human Resource (HR) and management circles nowadays there is much talk about Strategic Human Resource Management and many expensive books can be seen on the shelves of bookshops. But what exactly is SHRM (Strategic Human Resource Development), what are its key features and how does it differ from traditional human resource management?

SHRM or Strategic human resource management is a branch of Human resource management or HRM. It is a fairly new field, which has emerged out of the parent discipline of human resource management. Much of the early or so called traditional HRM literature treated the notion of strategy superficially, rather as a purely operational matter, the results of which cascade down throughout the organisation. There was a kind of unsaid division of territory between people-centred values of HR and harder business values where corporate strategies really belonged. HR practitioners felt uncomfortable in the war cabinet like atmosphere where corporate strategies were formulated.

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Friday, June 24, 2011

HRiQ Leadership Management

HRiQ Leadership Management provides tools for you and Your Managers to know their Strengths & Potential areas of Development thereby allowing them to focus and improve their strengths and help in the organisation growth.

Using HRiQ Leadership Management, Managers can self- assess themselves on a set of pre-defined criteria (set based on your company’s objectives) and obtain a 360 Degree feedback from others that include their Peers, Superiors, Sub-Ordinates via Online, Anonymous methods.

    * Provides an Overview of the Managers and Leaders Strengths and Potential Areas of Development.

    * Managers can collect candid feedback from various sources.

    * Provide comparative analysis of the feedback to the managers including overall as well as specific criteria.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

HRIQ Attendance Management

HRIQ Attendance Management automates attendance capture and provides Managers with the capability to accurately plan & schedule Employees Work Schedules to optimise on the available resources. Using HRIQ Attendance Management Managers can manage, track & report on Employees’ attendance, overtime & allowances.

    * Enable Your Managers to create flexible schedules for fixed and rotating shifts for their Employees’ and be able to make adjustments on a need-to basis.

    * Optimise Your Resources by managing the Employees’ schedule and improve productivity.

    * Automate Your Employees’ Attendance with Integration to various Time Clock devices.

    * Automate the Overtime calculations supported by workflow procedures for managers to approve Overtime and Allowances with seamless integration to HRiQ Payroll.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Human Resources Job Description

The interesting role of a Human Resources (HR) Manager ranges from interviewing prospective candidates, to providing the best possible environment for task efficiency at a minimal cost to the company.

Those who are interested in becoming a Human Resources Manager, or beginning their career in this field, must possess Master's degree in the area. They must acquire the skills of short listing candidates for various job positions and interviewing candidates to find out how far they are suitable to perform the tasks in the company and many others. Once a new employee enters the company, they should be made to integrate their work so as to become a part of the well-organized work culture of the company. This is important as the new employees often bring their old habits or work ethics into the new office, which may be at odds with the existing work atmosphere. By being a part of the team, the new employee must assimilate their qualities and must exhibit a give and take attitude to perform better.

The manager, or those employed in the Human Resources section, must work closely with those in the production team of a company to find out the requirements for temporary staffing and other needs. This assumes urgency at the time when there is most demand for the product. For instance, the demand for heaters goes up tremendously just before winter sets in. In this case, if the heater company fails to stock the products in the market well in advance, their competitors will walk away with the sales and leave the company in financial straits. Therefore, the Human Resources Manager must co-ordinate with all the departments, including the Management and Marketing departments, to know their latest requirements in staffing, and must start the necessary process accordingly.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Overtime and Timesheet Management

HRiQ Overtime & Timesheet Management allows Your Employees & Managers to manage their overtime hours and work activities and its related costs for various projects. HRiQ Overtime & Timesheet Management helps you in controlling, tracking and reporting on Overtime expenses thereby managing the costs against planned financial objectives of the company. Using HRiQ Overtime & Timesheet Management, Managers can track the productivity of the Employees on various Projects.

    * Streamline your Employees Overtime Expenses with policy-driven controls.

    * Automate the Overtime calculations supported by workflow procedures for managers to approve Overtime and Allowances with seamless integration to HRiQ Payroll.

    * Increase Employee Satisfaction by giving them the necessary tools to manage their timesheet activities and their overtime.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Human Capital Analytics and Planning

HRiQ Human Capital Analytics and Planning provides tools for your company to analyse the information and assist in manpower planning and budgeting. Using these tools your Executives, Managers, HR Professionals can analyse and identify the trends at an early stage and make informed decisions. This would enable you to manage your human capital more effectively, predict workforce costs and ROI associated with your Human Capital.

    * Use current workforce and past trends and plan your future needs using demographic data and staff movement data.

    * Use predefined set of graphical reports to analyse headcount development, turnover rates, and your talent composition.

    * Perform headcount planning, budgeting and send this to company financials for overall budgeting.

    * Analyse Your Employees' Performance, Competencies and Career Development needs and make informed decisions about your People Talent.

    * Have a Better Understanding of Your Staff Leave, Expenses, their Attendance using easy to use interactive charts and trends.

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

HRiQ Employee Portal

HRiQ Employee Portal provides a unified secured platform for Employees & Managers with personalised content to their role. The Employee Portal broadcasts the necessary company information, and delivers services for the employees and their managers to effectively support their job role to focus on contributing to the organisation’s growth.

HRiQ Employee Portal empowers Employees to update their personal details online, view their payslips, apply for leave, submit overtime and other claims. HRiQ Employee Portal becomes the single point of entry for the various Talent Management functions such as Performance Management, and Learning Management functions.

    * Easy and Interactive access to Information such as Info@Work, Company Policies, Employee Handbook, Announcements and various other documents etc.

    * Provide tools to Employees and Managers to perform functions such as managing their personal information, leave, benefits & expense claims, viewing their payslip etc.

    * With Integration to Email and workflow-supported procedures, employee and managers will have alerts to them for their necessary actions and immediate information.

    * Your Employees can access to the information such as applying leave, approving leave, approval of training using their Mobile Phones.

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

HRiQ Career Development

HRiQ Career Development Tools provide an interactive platform for your Employees to manage their professional career development within the organization thereby helping you to retain talent and enhance your Human Capital necessary for the continued growth and bottom line of your company.

Using HRiQ Career Development, employees would be able to manage their career plan with clear targets on what they would like to achieve against clear timelines and work with their managers interactively for concurrence and implementation to achieve the Career Objectives of each individual employee within the Company’s business framework.

    * Increase your Employees' Retention by providing tools Employees to manage and track their Career Development Plans with Clear timeline and goals to accomplishment.

    * Allow Managers to review and monitor their Employees' Career Development Plans and help them in their planning.

    * Provide Interactive online tools for Employees and Managers to track Accomplishments against the plan.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

HRiQ Succession Management

With HRiQ Succession Management, you can plan for your Organisation's continued success and growth by determining who will eventually succeed emloyees in key positions. HRiQ Succession Management tools help you to identify the key positions and the people that can succeed and take over the position before setting the Succession Plan with clear timeline to grooming the selected people and monitoring their progress against the Succession Plan against the identified timeline.

    * Identify Key Positions using tools like filtering and sorting of your Employees Information.

    * Identifying more than one person in the Talent Pool for the role by viewing the Past Performance, Competencies fulfilled and relevant information at one place.

    * Set Clear Succession Plan for each identified position with clear timeline and targets to achieve.

    * Groom the Successor and Monitor the Plan interactively with integration to HRiQ Performance Management, Learning Management, and Career Development.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

How Does Human Resource Management Affect Managers?

The advent of technology in the global marketplace facilitated the emergence of such tools as computers, operating software and robots. Despite this technological preeminence, long-term productivity still hinges on a smart collaboration between man and the machine. Human resources management hands corporate leadership the tools necessary for profitability and market share improvement.

1. Human Resources Management

Human resources management, or HRM, helps a company understand how its workforce adds value to its internal processes. The function plays a central role in the way the business hires and trains its manpower, as well as when and how it determines what personnel to let go. Other HRM functions include periodic performance evaluations and occupational-safety appraisals to ensure conformity with government rules.

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

HRiQ Core

Organisations are always striving for productivity gains to boost the company’s performance and growth. Since people are at the center of the productivity in many organisations, HR Professionals are always being challenged to automate the processes to increase operational efficiency.

HRiQ Core consolidates all the HR processes onto a single web-based platform and increases operational efficiency in streamlining and automating HR tasks thereby reducing associated time and costs. HRiQ Core empowers you to provide a single, accurate source of employee information real-time across the organization. HRiQ Core also provides unmatched support for growth of the employee information across multiple organisations within your business.

HRiQ Core delivers various information, tools & services to all the employees of your business thereby increasing your employee satisfaction, boosting productivity and making the HR Professionals role more strategic than administrative.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Human Resource Information System - HRIS

The purpose of this paper is to identify other companies who have faced similar human resources issues in regards to information technology. Through benchmarking different companies we can learn how other companies have handled certain human resources issues related to information technology, information systems, new technology, and data security. An overall analysis has been completed using research on IBM Europe, Ameriprise Financial, Terasen Pipelines, Shaw’s Supermarkets, CS Stars LLC, IBM, WORKSource Inc., and Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc. This paper also includes eight synopses of companies facing similar issue to those in the reading.

New Technology

With the changing world and constant new technology that is available, managers need to be aware of the technology that will increase effectiveness in their company. Human resource information systems (HRIS) have increasingly transformed since it was first introduced at General Electric in the 1950s. HRIS has gone from a basic process to convert manual information keeping systems into computerized systems, to the HRIS systems that are used today. Human resource professionals began to see the possibility of new applications for the computer.

The idea was to integrate many of the different human resource functions. The result was the third generation of the computerized HRIS, a feature-rich, broad-based, self-contained HRIS. The third generation took systems far beyond being mere data repositories and created tools with which human resource professionals could do much more (Byars, 2004).

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